PhD position: Genomics of invasion in Trinidadian guppies

The Evolutionary Biology Group is recruiting a PhD student for an NCN-funded project that will investigate genomic consequences of artificial introduction, population expansion and population replacement in the Trinidadian guppy. The successful candidate will take part in all parts of the project including sampling fish on Trinidad and Tobago and analyzing population genomic data.

Background: A major aim in evolutionary biology is to quantify the effects that demographic history has had and can have on the patterns and dynamics of deleterious and adaptive variation. The project aims at validating theoretical predictions recently developed in this field, especially those related to population expansion and gene flow between species. To address these questions, we will perform large-scale genomic analyses of a population of guppies recently introduced into an area previously occupied only by its sister species. We will study how deleterious and adaptive variation shape the genomic landscape of introgression.

Job description: The PhD student will work in close collaboration with project leader (Mateusz Konczal) and a bioinformatician. There will be considerable flexibility in the scope of the student’s work within the overall main goals of the project. The student will learn simple molecular laboratory techniques, analyze population genomic data, perform population genomic simulations and will have the opportunity to go to Trinidad and Tobago to help local collaborators in sampling fish. S/he will be integrated in the vibrant, highly motivated international research team based at Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan, Poland.

Requirements: The candidate should hold an MSc degree in biological sciences or computer sciences and should have a general interest in evolutionary biology. Experience with molecular lab techniques (specifically DNA extraction), programming and big data analyses are desirable though not required.

Financing: The position, starting from October 2019 (negotiable), is planned for three years with a stipend of PLN 4,500 (about 1,050 euro) per month. Extending this contract for extra two years will be possible with financing from local grant agencies.

How to apply: Applications should include a letter with a short description of your research interests, CV, summary of MSc work and/or other relevant projects. Future information about the project and application procedure can be obtained from the project leader via email: matusz.konczal(a)

Please apply before 20.08.2019

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