Dr hab. Mateusz Konczal
Assistant Professor
Email: mateusz.konczal(_a_)amu.edu.pl
Office: 0.8A
Telephone: +48 61 829 5845
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I use bioinformatic and molecular tools to answer evolutionary relevant questions. In particular, my interests concentrate around conservation genomics, experimental evolution, genomic basis of adaptation, molecular basis of host-parasite coevolution and dynamics of deleterious mutations in populations. In the lab, we study wide variety of species, use whole-genome sequencing, transcriptome analyses and computer simulations with HPC servers. The current projects I am involved in include studies on molecular basis of host-parasite co-evolution, genomics of critically endangered species, and role of sexual dimorphism in maintaining genetic variation.
Some news about my research
Ewolcuja w laboratorium (in Polish)
Turning a vole into a mighty rodent