New assistant professor in the group
Our own dr Jonathan Parrett has been recently employed at the Adam Mickiewicz University as an assistant professor. Jon did his PhD at the Queen Mary University of London, where …
Our own dr Jonathan Parrett has been recently employed at the Adam Mickiewicz University as an assistant professor. Jon did his PhD at the Queen Mary University of London, where …
On Wednesday ,18th of January 2023, Karolina defended PhD thesis entitled Genetic predictors and fitness consequences of male attractiveness in the guppy Poecilia reticulata. In her PhD, Karolina conducted an experiment on …
In our recent paper in Nature Ecology and Evolution (link here) we provide genomic evidence from mites with sexually selected weapon that this costly trait captures genome-wide variation and facilitates the …
Jacek Radwan received the 2020 Foundation for Polish Science Prize in the field of life and earth sciences for demonstrating the role of evolutionary mechanism for optimizing genetic variability in shaping …
On the 29th of September Aleksandra Łukasiewicz successfully defended her PhD thesis entitled “Factors affecting the intensity of sexual conflict in acardi mites (Acari: Acaridae)”. Ola made a tremendous work, …
Darwin Day is an international event organized since 2009 to celebrate the anniversary of the birth of Charles Darwin, an English naturalist, and author of the theory of evolution. Darwin …
In February we gladly hosted Dr. Karl Phillips from the University of Cork, Ireland. Karl, a former PostDoc from our group, taught a course in statistics for Ph.D. students from …
Jon and Sebastian have recently participated in an intensive, 2-weeks genomics workshop held in a beautiful, medieval town Cesky Krumlov. Topics covered by the workshop include UNIX, R, sequencing technologies, alignment, …
Magdalena Migalska defended her PhD entitled “MHC genes copy number and TCR repertoire size in the bank vole: diversity, selection and the optimal hypothesis”. The thesis was submitted as a …